A quick spreadsheet to calculate odds for hiring henchmen: Matic-Henchmen

Author: Rick
A DM for *mumble* years, I've been playing AD&D since junior high. I've currently got two separate campaigns running, both in Mystara. I've been told when they handed out hobbies, I stood in the short lines. I actively cycle tour, kayak, play board games, read, develop home automation software, play Stars!, volunteer with the International and National American Red Cross, and work on a never-ending stream of home repairs. In my wake I've left paintball, medieval full-contact combat (SCA), computer gaming, Heroclix, and kite construction. View all posts by Rick
Are these just homebrewed numbers, or is it in the DMG? I’m being lazy and not looking for it myself. 🙂
Straight from the DMG.
The base here is hewing as close to BtB as possible with exceptions generally called out.