Last Updated: 231214
This article extends my “Oops” series, but psionics are far more of a mess than usual. In the roughly 8 pages discussing psionics between the PHB and DMG, the words to quantify those abilities include: psionic strength total, total psionic ability, psionic ability, total psionic strength, psionic strength, psionic attack strength, psionic defense strength, psionic attack points, and psionic defense points. To exacerbate things, psionics operate by segment, yet AD&D initiative really, well, doesn’t. Herein lies my attempt to adjust the vocabulary and rules to be understandable but functionally equivalent, filling in the usual gaps. Much like hit points, references to a value or strength are the current value or strength, not the original.
There’s a lot of tables here, so you’re best off downloading the PDF
Determining Psionics
Only humans (potentially dwarves, halflings, and rarely elves) can be psionic. Starting characters with an intelligence, wisdom, or charisma of at least 16 roll d100. For each point of intelligence above 16 add 2.5 to the roll; for each point of wisdom above 16 add 1.5 to the roll, and for each point of charisma above 16 add .5 to the roll, and then drop any fraction. Any result of 100+ indicates the character has psionic ability.
If so, roll a base of d100. Next, determine bonus points: 1 point for each point of intelligence, wisdom and charisma above 12. If 2 of these scores are above 16, the bonus points are doubled. If all 3 scores are above 16, the bonus points are quadrupled. The base (01-100) plus bonus points (4-72), are added together. That number equates to the attack strength, and also the defense strength. Psionic strength equals (attack strength + defense strength)—a number therefore from 10 to 344. Psionic strength is used for psionic combat, and in the employment of disciplines.
Should a non-psionic character have their intelligence, wisdom or charisma increase, check again to determine if they have psionic ability. Should intelligence, wisdom or charisma change for a psionic character, adjust the attack and defense strength appropriately (and thus psionic strength). If an ability change leaves the character without at least one necessary 16, they lose their psionic ability. A wish can grant psionics as long as the recipient has a necessary 16 in intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.
Attack Modes
A psionic character can have up to five attack modes. How many are determined by another d100 roll:
01-25 | 1 attack mode |
26-50 | 2 attack modes |
51-75 | 3 attack modes |
76-95 | 4 attack modes |
96-00 | 5 attack modes |
The player then chooses from the five available attack modes:
Attack Mode | Attack Strength Cost per Segment | Attack Range4 | ||
Short | Medium | Long | ||
A. Psionic Blast1 | 20 | 2″ | 4″ | 6″ |
B. Mind Thrust | 4 | 3″ | 6″ | 9″ |
C. Ego Whip | 7 | 4″ | 8″ | 12″ |
D. Id Insinuation2 | 10 | 6″ | 12″ | 18″ |
E . Psychic Crush3 | 14 | 5″ | – | – |
1A cone-shaped wave of force 1/2″ diameter at its source and 2″ diameter at its terminus (6″ distance).
2Id Insinuation affects all psionically-aware creatures in a 2″ X 2″ area within attack range.
3If Psychic Crush is used the attacker may only defend with mode G (Thought Shield), or have no defense at all. Those killed by psychic crush lose all psionic abilities if raised or resurrected.
4Expending double or treble the attack strength will double or treble the range of modes B, C, and D.
Defense Modes
A character will also have up to five defense modes. How many are determined by another d100 roll:
01-25 | 2 defense modes |
26-75 | 3 defense modes |
76-90 | 4 defense modes |
91-00 | 5 defense modes |
The player then chooses from the five available defense modes; the first choice must be Mind Blank:
Defense Mode | Defense Strength Cost per Segment | Area of Effect1 |
F. Mind Blank | 1 | Individual only |
G. Thought Shield4 | 2 | Individual only |
H. Mental Barrier | 3 | Individual only |
I. Intellect Fortress | 8 | 10’r. of individual2 |
J. Tower of Iron Will | 10 | 3’r. of individual3 |
1If the defense mode has an area of effect (AoE) beyond the individual, it offers either its defense or the defense used by any individual within its radius, whichever is better.
2Intellect Fortress offers non-psionics in the AoE +2 on saving throws versus Psionic Blast.
3Tower of Iron Will offers non-psionics in the AoE +6 on saving throws versus Psionic Blast.
4If Thought Shield is the only defense mode used in the round, the creature can maintain it while using a discipline, fighting, casting a spell, or being involved in some other activity for the round that does not include any psionic attacks, still at a cost of 2 per segment. Thought Shield is also the only defense that can be used when attacking with (not by!) Psychic Crush.
Psionic Disciplines
A psionic character determines how many disciplines they will have with a d100 roll:
Die Score | Number of Minor Disciplines | Number of Major Disciplines |
01-10 | 1 | 0 |
11-25 | 2 | 0 |
26-40 | 3 | 0 |
41-55 | 2 | 1 |
56-70 | 3 | 1 |
71-80 | 4 | 1 |
81-90 | 3 | 2 |
91-95 | 5 | 1 |
96-100 | 4 | 2 |
After determining the number of disciplines, roll on the Table of Psionic Disciplines (see PHB) for which disciplines are known. If the same discipline is rolled more than once or excluded for the character’s class, re-roll. Select one minor discipline to be begin at first level, with one additional discipline (all minor disciplines first) usable for each 2 additional levels of experience in the character’s class. The level of mastery is how many character levels the character has had access to the discipline (e.g., a 3rd level character who just gained access to Empathy would use it at 1st level of mastery; at 4th (character) level they would use the discipline at 2nd level of mastery).
The psionic strength cost for disciplines applies to both attack and defense strengths. 1 psionic strength equals 1 attack strength and 1 defense strength.
It is never possible to use two disciplines at the same time, or use an attack mode and a discipline at the same time.
Combined Psionic Operations
Psionic creatures can operate together to increase the range of shared disciplines where range is a factor and otherwise possible. Multiple psionic creatures can link their minds to add a cumulative 50% to the range of a discipline (100% + [n] × 50%, e.g., two individuals have 200% of the range; 3 individuals have 250%, etc.). The base range is always that of the individual in the group with the shortest range.
It is also possible for two or more creatures to increase their psionic strength for psionic combat. Such an operation must be in “series”, with the creatures adding 20% of their current psionic strength (half attack strength, half defense strength, all fractions rounded up) to the next individual in the series. Example: Creature A has a psionic strength of 100, so 20 psionic strength (10 attack strength, 10 defense strength) are transferred to creature B to bring its total from 120 to 140, and B then transfers 28 psionic strength (again, 20%) to creature C whose psionic strength is 130 but is now 158s, and then C transfers 158 × .20, or 32 psionic strength to final creature D. All series begin from the creature with the lowest psionic strength. The final creature in the series attacks and defends for all in the series. Only the final creature in the series can psionically attack or be attacked. All creatures in the series will be affected by all psionic attacks affecting the final creature.
The series is maintained even for distracted creatures; they are unable to attack or defend (psionically or otherwise) until the series is dissolved by the lead creature in the series.
Psionic Combat
Psionic combat is a declared action for a round, but starts on the first segment of the round regardless of initiative (potentially superseding the declared action of others now abruptly psionic combatants). Psionic combat can occur during Surprise if the initiator’s party is unsurprised. In that case, psionic combat will occur on each segment of surprise—both psionic sides psionically interact as normal (both attack and defense) for each segment of Surprise.
Each psionic attack or defense will cost attack or defense strength (respectively), depending on the selected psionic attack mode, defense mode, and attack outcome. Creatures using a defense mode can take another action (a psionic attack, discipline, OR a segment of movement). Creatures making a psionic attack cannot engage in any other activity but using a defense mode. If a creature is distracted by physical attack or spell damage or effect (such as charm, hold, etc.) it cannot make further psionic attacks or take other actions that round (but could resume the next round), although it can still utilize defense modes.
There is one exception—Thought Shield. A psionic combatant who selects Thought Shield in the first segment of psionic combat can maintain this defense mode (spending defense strength each segment) while pursuing another non-psionic action for the round (or during surprise). However, doing so precludes making any psionic attacks for the entirety of the round.
All psionic attacks and defenses are simultaneous. Psionic combat (presuming Creatures A & B) takes place by segment, starting on the first segment of the round:
- Determine A & B’s current psionic strength (attack strength + defense strength)
- A & B announce their own attack mode (from those they have available)
- If all attack strength is expended, or not enough attack strength remains to use any attack mode available, the creature may defend only.
- A & B only then choose their own defense mode (using the most applicable from those available)
- Compare each creature’s attack mode and psionic strength to their opponent’s chosen defense on the appropriate Psionic vs. Psionic table, Appendix A(Short Range), or Appendix B (Medium/Long Range))
- Long range attacks reduce the attacker’s effective psionic strength by 25 for purposes of the table
- Psionic attacks at short range reduce each creature’s defense strength by the defense cost (see Appendix A). Psionic attacks at medium and long range reduce that damage by 20% (see Appendix B). If the attack was long range, and originally in the 1-25 point range, damage is instead reduced by 50%. Any damage beyond that required to bring the defense to 0 is applied to hit points.
- Reduce each creature’s attack strength by the cost of their attack, taking into account any increased cost for increasing the range.
- Repeat this sequence each segment.
Defenseless Psionics
Once a creature’s defense strength reaches 0 (or has no available defense mode), the result of later attacks are determined on the Psionic Vs. Defenseless Psionic table (see Appendix C):
- Determine the attacker’s attack strength and attack mode
- Determine the defender’s psionic strength (typically equal to their attack strength, as defense strength likely equal 0)
- Compare the attacker’s attack strength and attack mode to the defender’s psionic strength (e.g., their attack strength) on the Psionic Vs. Defenseless Psionic table (see Appendix C).
- A number on the table reduces the defender’s psionic strength, defense strength first. If the attack strength reaches 0, reduce the defender’s hit points by the remainder of the number.
- If the result is a letter, apply that result to the defender.
For a defender with mind bar, letter results only apply when the psionic strength is 0 at the beginning of the segment, otherwise they lose 40 psionic strength (half attack strength, half defense strength first, and then any remaining psionic strength), applying any leftover damage to hit points.
Psionic Blast on non-Psionics
Only psionic blast can affect non-psionic creatures, and only if the psionically-attacking creature has an attack strength of 100+. Each non-psionic potentially affected by psionic blast rolls a “saving throw” (See Appendix D) based on their total intelligence and wisdom to avoid the effect, adjusted by various factors:
Attacked Creature’s Int + Wisdom |
Saving Throw |
0-5 | 20 |
6-9 | 18 |
10-13 | 16 |
14-17 | 14 |
18-21 | 12 |
22-25 | 10 |
26-29 | 8 |
30-33 | 6 |
34-35 | 4 |
36-37 | 2 |
38 & up | 0 |
Saving Throw Adjustments | ||||
Bonuses | Penalties | |||
medium range | +1 | panicked | -1 | |
long range | +2 | enraged | -1 | |
magic-user | +1 | confused | -2 | |
cleric | +2 | hopeless | -3 | |
elf | +2 | stunned | -3 | |
Intellect Fortress within 10′ | +2 | using psionic-related power2 | -4 | |
mink blank spell | +2 | using ESP | -5 | |
dwarf | +4 | feebleminded3 | – | |
halfling | +4 | insane4 | – | |
helm of telepathy1 | +4 | |||
Tower of Iron Will within 3′ | +6 | |||
mind bar | +6 | |||
protection items valid against “all forms of attack”5 | +x |
1The helm of telepathy will cause the attacker to be stunned for 1-4 rounds if the defender’s saving throw is successful.
2These powers or spells are: astral protection/spell, augury, charm monster, charm person, clairaudience, clairvoyance, confusion, detect evil/good, detect magic, dimension door, divination, empathy, enlarge, ESP, etherealness, feeblemind, feign death, geas, invisibility (any sort), know alignment, levitation, locate object, magic jar, plane shift, polymorph self, quest, shape change, suggestion, symbol, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, true seeing
3A feebleminded person has a combined intelligence and wisdom score of 0-5.
4Insane creatures cannot be psionically attacked.
5rings and cloaks of protection
In the Psionic Blast on Non-Psionics (Appendix D), the attacked creature’s total intelligence and wisdom is used to figure saving throws. However, wisdom is not a standard given attribute of monsters. To compute the wisdom of non-psionic monsters, use the following table:
Intelligence of Creature | Wisdom Range |
Below Low | 0 |
Low | 2d4 |
Average | 3d4 |
Very/Highly | 4d4 |
Exceptional/Genius | 2d6+6 |
Supra-Genius | 4d4+4 |
Godlike | 3d6+6 |
Random Encounters
If a random encounter occurs when the party has used psionic powers during the last turn (or spells resembling disciplines during the last round), there is a 1 in 4 chance the encounter is psionic. If so, use the Psionic Encounter Table instead. The encounter otherwise occurs as normal, although certain psionic creatures will not be detected by the party.
Psionic strength can be restored by refraining from any psionic activity. Disciplines which do not require continuing strength point outlay can be in operation during recovery periods. No psionic strength can be recovered in less than one-hour increments. The rate of restoration depends upon the activity level:
Physical Activity1, 2 | Psionic Strength Recovered (half attack, half defense) |
hard exertion | none |
walking and like activity | 3 psionic strength / hour |
sitting and talking or reading | 6 psionic strength / hour |
resting and meditating | 12 psionic strength / hour |
sleeping | 12 psionic strength / hour |
1The least favorable activity is considered for each hour of time spent in restoration of psionic strength.
2Psionic strength can be recovered on the Astral plane at the rate of 6 psionic strength / hour when moving by mental effort, and 12 psionic strength/hour when “floating” and not thinking of moving.
Modifying Psionic Strength
A wish can create the potential to be psionic (assuming the necessary ability score of 16). A wish can also bestow immunity to one particular attack mode; immunity to all attack modes precludes using any disciplines.
As a character ages, their intelligence and wisdom also change. Adjust the psionic strength.
The following mechanisms increase a character’s psionic strength (half to attack strength, half to defense strength). This strength will be spent before the innate strength, and recover at the same time as the psionic strength at the same rate:
- The helm of telepathy increases psionic strength by 40 (in additional to providing a +4 to saving throws vs. psionic blast).
- A dull gray ioun stone increases psionic strength by 10, to a maximum of 50 (e.g. 5 ioun stones)
- Ioun stones which merely increase intelligence, wisdom, or charisma will not increase the creature’s psionic strength, as psionic strength is determined by unmodified ability scores.
TSR 2010, Players Handbook [1e], 1978.
TSR 2011, Dungeon Masters Guide [1e], 1979.
TSR 2013, Deities & Demigods, 1980.
Dragon Magazine Issue 35, The official errata: Scads of additions & Revisions for AD&D. [Errata removes psionic elves]
Dragon Magazine Issue 39, Sage Advice. [Only humans, possibly dwarves and halflings]
Dragon Magazine Issue 42, Sage Advice. [Limit psionic elves to NPCs, MM]
Dragon Magazine Issue 58, Sage Advice. [Dwarves and psionics]
Dragon Magazine Issue 60, The Elven Point of View. [Elves not psionic]
Dragon Magazine Issue 67, The Astral Plane, 1982. [EGG added elves psionic]
Dragon Magazine Issue 67, Featured Creatures, 1982. [potential for psionic valley elves]
Dragon Magazine Issue 71, Solid answers to astral questions. [Psionics and Astral]
Dragon Magazine Issue 78, Psionics is different. [All PCs can be psionic, ability score changes]
Dragon Magazine Issue 78, Sage Advice. [All PCs psionic, ability score changes]
See PDF For Appendices.


